About Me

Hello. my name is leah and i am 13 years old. i absolutely love fashion and the arts. all i can say is that i have recently moved and i have a passion for fashion. starting over isn't easy, but the thing in my life that hasn't changed is my style, and my 3 best friends! i think i am the only girl who reads Teen Vogue in the back of the bus... but what can i say. I LOVE IT!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

who said different was wrong????

Do you choose who you are. the answer is no. you don't choose which family you were born into, but you can choose something. actually you have the choice to do many things. one being style. who ever said beige was the classy way to go?? i personally think that color create fashion. icons are made from people who love someones style. except you can be an icon without anyone liking your style. everyone is different, no matter how much people try to throw away that truth, it is everlasting. you choose what you want to wear. so choose something that is different from what someone else is wearing. because wearing something that everyone is wearing is not original and BORING! you shine in your own was. i don't even think different exists. people just call something that is not common different. but it is not bad, actually it shows that you are strong and bold. keep that about you. so, who said different was wrong??????????

BE YOU, NOT WHAT IS IN STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!